Neptune Communications is a nonprofit foundation on a mission to bring broadcast and other media signals to underserved individuals in remote or off-the-grid locations... no matter where they may be.


The Neptune Mission

Neptune Communications is on a mission to efficiently deliver broadcast and media signals to underserved individuals and communities, with a particular focus on those who are unable to access or afford traditional communications channels and services. We are a 501c(3) nonprofit foundation dedicated to public service, and our goal is to provide equitable access for all.

Neptune Communications works with facilities, broadcasters, platform operators, and TVIP to provide MSO service extension throughout the USA.


Technology provides the opportunity for a meaningful access to broadcast and media signals to underserved individuals everywhere.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established regulations for broadcasting communications in the United States. These rules apply to radio and television broadcasting and include requirements for licensing broadcast stations, allocating spectrum, and protecting public safety. The FCC allows for enhanced reception and distribution of signals through the use of devices and services to enable individuals within the broadcast area to receive public broadcasts. Neptune works to expand access to underserved regions and individuals in the name of public service and safety.

Broadcast signals do not reach remote, ultra-secure, or rural areas due to their distance from the broadcast towers. Areas that are surrounded by hills, mountains, or other obstructions may also not receive broadcast signals. Additionally, buildings and other structures with thick walls or roofs that contain metal, such as hospitals and correctional facilities, can block the signals. ​The internet has revolutionized the way television signals are distributed, allowing for a much greater reach than ever before. Through IPTV, cable and satellite can reach customers in remote and communications-challenged locations.


Up to 25% of Americans don't have access to full bandwidth communications signals.

Neptune is a nonprofit foundation on a mission to provide access to the underserved wherever they may be.